A black and white street scene with a person sitting on the ground against a large column, possibly busking or begging. The person is surrounded by bags and sitting on an intricately patterned pavement. Several people walk by in the background, and a neon sign is visible above them. The atmosphere is urban with a corridor-like perspective defined by columns.
A black and white street scene with a person sitting on the ground against a large column, possibly busking or begging. The person is surrounded by bags and sitting on an intricately patterned pavement. Several people walk by in the background, and a neon sign is visible above them. The atmosphere is urban with a corridor-like perspective defined by columns.

Urban struggle unfolds

Urban Struggles

Explore the gritty underworld where Ermias navigates fatherhood, love, and survival amidst challenges that threaten his family's future.


Gritty Urban Setting


Mon-Fri 9am